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Personal Websites Are The New Resumes

Personal Branding Makes You Stand Out

January 16, 2020

What Is a Personal Branding Website?

What is it that people think about you? That is your personal brand or otherwise known as your reputation. A personal brand website is about how you want people to think about you. Not just who you try to convince others who you are. Your true reputation is how people think when you are not around.

The biggest challenge is to decide, as to be what you want them to see. The best branding websites are focused. They have one message and use pictures and examples to show their brand. 

The second biggest challenge is to be what you are trying to show. People need to think you have integrity. They need to know the quality of your work. So you need to keep your word

If what you do is visual, show the high quality of your work. Even showing how you progressed to the quality you have is helpful. 

Your Brand Needs A Focus

Your brand has two parts: 

  • First, what is the goal you are looking to achieve? 
  • The second is why is that your goal. 

To develop a focus for your brand, you need to have something to focus on. Whether it is commercial, like promoting your art or music or to a cause like conservation, having a goal is essential.

The why is also very important. It needs to be something you are excited about. This excitement will carry over to all of your branding. If they do not feel you care, they will not either.

A Personal Branding Website Allows You To Build And Control Your Reputation

The first thing to do is to come up with a goal or why you do what you do. It need not be long in fact it should be one or two sentences that convey not only why you do what you do but what it is you do.

Take your time crafting these sentences. Give them to a stranger and if they ask you what you do, rewrite them until they know what you do.

Second showcase your talent or abilities. If you are an artist, graphic or music, show people the reach of your work. If you want to specialize in a specific subject type, only showcase that work. Use pictures with one sentence labels. Use sound clips again with one sentence descriptions. 

If you are an office worker type. Create short and compelling job descriptions of what you do. Give examples of how your have helped improve the company you worked for. This cannot be dry or bland. Remember that there are millions of office workers out there, you need to stand out.

Who Checks On You?
Everyone from the school you applied to prospective employers and clients will check on you. What they find can help or destroy you. You need to have a place where you can control the information. 

If you are on social media, you may have left behind embarrassing information or photos. You can try to delete them but you never can be sure. So make sure there is a place that gives them the impression you want them to have. 

The other thing is that you need to keep your word. In business and personal relationships people look for integrity. There is an old saying, “If you do a good deed people will tell one or two people. If you do a bad deed, they will tell 100.”

Personal Branding Website

The advantages of a personal branding website are that new clients and customers will approach you for jobs or work. people may invite you to show your expertise in your field at gigs, conferences or meet and greets.

Peers in your industry may recognize your work. They may even link to your website. The biggest thing is that you build that Trust Equity among your friends and colleagues. Following through on your word and accountable for your actions is rare.